Harry Potter in 2020 - SorenaJ's headcanon Wiki
Parvati Patil
Parvati in 2017
Parvati in 2017
Biographical Information
Born 7 June 1980
Place of birth Birmingham, West Midlands, England
Parentage Pure-blood
Descent Asian British (Indian)
Marital status Married
Title Professor
Physical information
Gender Female
Hair Color Black
Eye color Brown
Family information
Family Padma Patil (twin sister)
Residence Harrow, Greater London, England
Magical Characteristics
Wand Pine, Dragon Heartstring, 9½"
Patronus Unknown
Occupation Professor at Hogwarts in the Divination Department
House Gryffindor
Hogwarts Education 1991-1998
Declared religion Non-religious

Astrology Sun in Gemini, Moon in Aries, Rising sign is Libra
Loyalty Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


Parvati Patil is an Indian pure-blood witch that attended Hogwarts in Harry Potters year. She was sorted into Gryffindor. She has an identical twin sister, Padma Patil, that was sorted into Ravenclaw. She is married to muggle George Steven Ide, and mother of Indira Patil-Ide and Jay Patil-Ide.

Behind the Scenes[]

Parvati Patil is portrayed by Gul Panag.
